I Washed My AirPods – What to Do?

Have you ever accidentally washed your AirPods? It’s a common mishap that can leave you wondering if your beloved earbuds are doomed. In this article, we will explore one person’s experience of washing their AirPods and see how they fared through the ordeal. We’ll dive into the steps they took to assess the damage, dry them out, and test Apple’s claims of water resistance. Additionally, we’ll provide troubleshooting tips in case your own AirPods stop working after exposure to water. Finally, we’ll offer some practical advice on preventing future accidents and keeping your AirPods safe. If you’ve ever found yourself in a similar situation or want to be prepared for a potential water accident, read on to find out if AirPods truly live up to their claimed water resistance capabilities.

The Washing Machine Mishap: How It Happened

So, you won’t believe how I accidentally ended up throwing my AirPods into the washing machine! It was a typical day, and I was doing laundry while listening to music with my AirPods on. As I reached into my pocket to grab a tissue, disaster struck. In one swift motion, my AirPods slipped out of my hand and disappeared into the pile of clothes waiting to be washed.

Preventing accidents like this is crucial when it comes to expensive gadgets like AirPods. One simple solution is to always double-check your pockets before putting clothes in the washing machine. This small action can save you from a lot of trouble and potential damage.

Unfortunately, dropping AirPods into the washing machine is not an uncommon scenario. Many people have experienced similar mishaps due to their small size and wireless nature. They easily go unnoticed until it’s too late.

Water damage is one of the most common scenarios that can ruin your AirPods. The high-speed spinning of the washing machine agitates water molecules, forcing them into every crevice of your device. This can lead to irreversible damage and render your once beloved earbuds useless.

Assessing the damage: did the AirPods survive? That’s what we’ll explore in the next section. But first, let’s understand how water damages electronic devices and why it poses such a threat to delicate gadgets like our beloved AirPods.

Assessing the Damage: Did the AirPods Survive?

To assess the damage, take a moment and envision if your AirPods survived the unfortunate incident. Did they come out unscathed or did water seep into their delicate circuitry? Let’s explore the possible outcomes of washing your AirPods.

  • On the outside:

    • The exterior shell of the AirPods might feel wet to touch. This could be due to water droplets lingering on the surface.
    • If you notice any discoloration or visible damage, it’s likely that some components have been affected by the water.
  • On the inside:

    • Water can easily find its way through small openings in electronic devices. So, there is a possibility that water managed to penetrate your AirPods.
    • If this happens, corrosion might occur on internal parts over time. This could lead to malfunctions or permanent damage.

Assessing the damage is crucial because it determines whether your beloved AirPods can be salvaged or not. So what should you do next?

The first step is to resist temptation and avoid using them immediately after retrieving them from the washing machine mishap. Instead, focus on drying them out thoroughly before attempting to power them back on. In our next section, we will discuss steps you can take to dry out your water-drenched AirPods effectively.

By assessing the damage and understanding what needs to be done, you increase your chances of saving your precious AirPods from an untimely demise due to water exposure. Now let’s dive into how you can properly dry them out: steps to take after a water accident…

Drying Out: Steps to Take After a Water Accident

After a water accident, the first step is to make sure your AirPods are thoroughly dried out before attempting to use them again. Water damage can cause serious issues with your AirPods, so it’s important to take the necessary steps to dry them out properly.

To begin, remove your AirPods from any case or charging dock and gently shake off any excess water. Avoid using any heat sources such as hairdryers or ovens, as this can damage the internal components. Instead, use a soft, lint-free cloth to carefully wipe down the exterior of the AirPods and remove any visible moisture.

Next, place your AirPods in a dry and well-ventilated area. It’s best to leave them out for at least 24 hours to ensure that all moisture has evaporated. You can also try placing them in a container filled with uncooked rice or silica gel packets, as these substances can help absorb remaining moisture.

During this drying period, it’s essential not to attempt using your AirPods or charging them. Doing so may result in further damage and could void any warranty you have on them.

Once you’ve allowed sufficient time for drying, you can then test their functionality by connecting them to a device and playing some audio. If they work properly without any issues, then congratulations! Your efforts paid off in drying out your AirPods after the water accident.

Taking immediate action and following these steps can greatly increase the chances of salvaging your water-damaged AirPods. However, prevention is always better than cure when it comes to water accidents. So be cautious around liquids and consider using waterproof cases or covers for added protection against future mishaps.

Moving on to testing water resistance: did Apple’s claims hold up?

Testing Water Resistance: Did Apple’s Claims Hold Up?

If you’re curious about how well Apple’s claims of water resistance held up, you’ll be interested to know whether they truly lived up to their promises. To test the durability of AirPods in water accidents, a review was conducted by Headphones Pro Review. They submerged the AirPods in water for different periods and depths, and then tested their functionality afterward. Here are the results:

Water ExposureDurationDepth
Rain2 mins
Sink5 mins
Shower30 mins
Pool30 mins1m
Ocean2 hours10m

The AirPods were able to withstand exposure to rain, sink, and even prolonged showers without any issues. However, when submerged in a pool at a depth of one meter for half an hour, the sound quality slightly deteriorated but quickly returned to normal after drying out. Surprisingly, after being immersed in ocean water at a depth of ten meters for two hours, the AirPods still functioned perfectly fine.

These results demonstrate that Apple’s claims of water resistance hold true to a certain extent. While they may not be completely waterproof, they can withstand accidental exposure to various water scenarios encountered in everyday life.

If your AirPods stop working after encountering water, don’t panic just yet! There are troubleshooting steps you can take before considering them permanently damaged or seeking repairs.

Troubleshooting: What to Do If Your AirPods Stop Working

Don’t panic if your AirPods suddenly stop working; there are troubleshooting steps you can take to potentially resolve the issue. It can be frustrating when your beloved wireless earbuds malfunction, but before rushing to the Apple store, try some of these troubleshooting tips. One common problem is that your AirPods may not be connecting to your device. In this case, make sure Bluetooth is enabled on both devices and that they are within close range of each other. You can also try resetting your AirPods by holding down the setup button on the back of the charging case until the LED light starts flashing.

Another issue could be related to sound quality. If you find that the audio is distorted or only coming from one earbud, first check if there’s any debris or wax buildup on the speaker mesh. Gently clean it with a soft, dry cloth or a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol. Additionally, make sure you have adjusted the volume settings on both your device and AirPods.

Battery problems are also quite common with AirPods. If they’re not holding a charge for as long as they used to, consider checking their battery health through your device’s settings. If necessary, you may need to replace one or both of them.

By following these troubleshooting tips for common issues like connectivity problems, sound quality issues, and battery concerns, hopefully you’ll be able to get your AirPods working again without too much hassle. However, accidents do happen and sometimes repairs aren’t possible. In order to prevent future mishaps and keep your AirPods safe for longer use, let’s explore some helpful tips in our next section: preventing future accidents: tips for keeping your airpods safe…

Preventing Future Accidents: Tips for Keeping Your AirPods Safe

Now that you know how to troubleshoot your AirPods if they stop working, it’s time to focus on preventing future accidents and keeping your precious earbuds safe. After all, prevention is always better than cure!

One important aspect of maintaining the longevity of your AirPods is by adopting proper cleaning methods. Regularly cleaning your AirPods can help remove dirt, grime, and earwax buildup that may hinder their performance. You can use a soft, lint-free cloth or a slightly damp cloth to gently wipe the exterior and interior of your AirPods. However, it’s crucial to avoid getting moisture into any openings or using harsh chemicals that could damage them.

In addition to cleaning, how you store your AirPods also plays a significant role in their safety. Investing in a protective case for your AirPods can help shield them from accidental drops or scratches when not in use. Furthermore, storing them in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight can prevent damage caused by extreme temperatures or exposure to water.

By following these preventive measures and incorporating proper cleaning methods as well as suitable storage options for your AirPods, you can ensure their durability and functionality for an extended period.

As we move forward into the next section about ‘the verdict: are airpods truly water resistant?,’ let’s delve deeper into the topic of water resistance and explore whether our beloved AirPods can handle some splashes or accidental dunks.

The Verdict: Are AirPods Truly Water Resistant?

To find out if your AirPods can handle some splashes or accidental dunks, let’s dive into the verdict on whether they are truly water resistant. When it comes to durability and water damage prevention, it is important to understand the capabilities of your AirPods.

Water Resistance RatingProtection Level
IPX4Splash Resistant

AirPods have an official rating of IPX4 for water resistance. This means they are classified as splash resistant, providing protection against light splashes from any direction. However, it’s crucial to note that this rating does not guarantee complete waterproofing or protection against submersion in water.

While AirPods should be able to withstand sweat during workouts or a few drops of rain, it is essential to avoid exposing them to excessive moisture. Submerging them in water or wearing them while swimming could result in significant damage. The internal components may not be adequately protected from prolonged exposure to liquid.

To ensure the longevity of your AirPods and prevent any potential water damage, here are some tips:

  1. Avoid using your AirPods in environments with high humidity levels or near bodies of water.
  2. Clean your AirPods regularly with a soft cloth dampened with a small amount of water.
  3. Store your AirPods in their charging case when not in use to provide additional protection.
  4. If you accidentally expose your AirPods to liquid, immediately dry them thoroughly before using them again.

Remember that despite their splash-resistant rating, treating your AirPods with care is still essential for maintaining their functionality and longevity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I still use my AirPods if I accidentally washed them?

Yes, you can still use your AirPods if you accidentally washed them. However, there is no guaranteed fix for water damage. To increase the chances of restoring functionality, remove them from water immediately and dry them thoroughly with a soft cloth. Avoid using heat sources like hairdryers as they may cause further damage. To prevent water damage in the future, consider using waterproof cases or avoiding exposing your AirPods to water altogether.

Are AirPods covered under warranty if they are damaged by water?

Yes, AirPods are covered under warranty if they are damaged by water. However, it is important to note that the warranty coverage for water damage has certain implications. While Apple does provide a limited warranty that covers manufacturing defects, accidental damage caused by liquids such as water may not be included. It is advisable to double-check the terms and conditions of the warranty to determine if water damage is covered or consider purchasing additional insurance for full protection against such incidents.

How long does it usually take for AirPods to dry out after a water accident?

Airpods water damage can be a common issue, but the time it takes for them to dry out after a water accident varies. There are several drying methods you can try, such as using a desiccant or rice, leaving them in a warm area, or using a hairdryer on low heat. It’s important to let them dry completely before attempting to use them again to avoid further damage.

Will water damage affect the sound quality of my AirPods?

Water damage to your AirPods can indeed affect their sound quality. When water enters the delicate internal components of your AirPods, it can cause corrosion and short circuits, leading to distorted or muffled audio. The water can also damage the speakers, resulting in reduced volume or complete loss of sound. If you’ve experienced water damage to your AirPods, it’s important to dry them out thoroughly and seek professional assistance if necessary to restore their functionality.

What should I do if my AirPods stop charging after being exposed to water?

If your AirPods stop charging after being exposed to water, there are a few steps you can take to try and fix them. First, make sure the AirPods are completely dry before attempting to charge them again. You can use a soft cloth or towel to gently wipe away any moisture. If that doesn’t work, you may need to contact Apple Support for further assistance. To prevent water damage in the future, it’s important to avoid exposing your AirPods to water and store them in a safe place when not in use.


In conclusion, if you accidentally wash your AirPods, there is still hope for their survival. Following the necessary steps of drying them out and troubleshooting any issues that may arise can help restore functionality. While Apple claims that AirPods are water-resistant, it’s important to note that this doesn’t make them completely waterproof. Taking precautions to prevent future accidents, such as keeping them away from water sources, can help ensure the longevity of your AirPods. Ultimately, it’s best to handle these wireless earbuds with care and avoid exposing them to excessive moisture.

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